Saturday, December 30, 2006

Miss USA Sex & Drug Scandal: Tara Conner Buzz a Gift for Pageant

The week before many Americans celebrate Christmas

fingers were typing and searching for anything to do with Miss USA Tara Conner. The blonde beauty came from a one stoplight town in small town Kentucky, won the national crown and then hit New York City with what sounds like a vengeance. Unfortunately for the Kentucky native, folks took notice.

Rumors and reports soon hit Gotham and of tales of sex and drug use and it appeared that pageant owner Donald Trump might just snatch her tiara from her golden locks.


But Trump allowed the pint-sized Miss USA to continue, if she would check into rehab. tears flowed at a press conference and it was a christmas miracle. Reports are that she is nestled in her rehab bed now, and then the scandal hit with even more fervor late last week.

Loud mouth talk show host Rosie O’Donnell decided to rip the beauty queen, and added in some few choice shots at Donald Trump and the battle of the blabbermouths hit cable and radio talk shows with Trump slapping back at Rosie with everything.

Donald Trump was everywhere, and with that, the Miss USA contest generated lots of publicity.

So - what does all of this equal? A holiday gift for the Miss USA pageant. It is now front and center in the world of beauty pageants as sex and scandal sells. Add to that some Miss USA Nevada candidate named Katie Rees was spotted in photos in some very compromising positions, and the buzz continued into the Holiday weekend.


She did get the boot but now wants help from Trump as well. This is all good for ratings and it will be interesting to see just how many viewers the contest picks up from the scandalous behavior of the contestants.


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