Saturday, December 30, 2006

“World of Britney” Site Will Shut Down in Order to Pursue Other Celebrity Trainwrecks

In a statement oozing of paradoxes, World of Britney’s webmaster, Ruben Garay announced Wednesday that he would be pulling the plug on the most popular un-official web site dedicated to the pop princess.

As Britney keeps losing her identity and credibility within fans and industry people, so is WoB. We’re moving on to greater, bigger things. I would therefore like to announce the permanent shut down of World of beginning January 31st, 2007. As WoB closes, Carolina and I will be launching a brand new state of the art Celebrity Blog that will try to compete with Perez Hilton, Pink is the New Blog, Popsugar and all of those.

So when your girl decides to leave her panties at home, divorce her baby daddy, and start partying with Paris, you judge her for allegedly losing her credibility (you need credibility first before you can lose it) and then in the same breath you announce that you want to start rubbing shoulders with Perez fucking Hilton?

Monkey see, monkey do, we guess.

Garay continues, “I think that WoB has had its run…….its feet are not holding firm anymore, not because of my ability to run it, but because I believe Britney is unfortunately done (for me at least).”

LAist doesn’t gamble — for if we did we woulda been at the Santa Anita opener on Tuesday — but if we did we would not be betting on an aspiring gossip blogger who thinks that Britney Spears is “done”. Not only has she regained her spot as the most talked-about “celebrity”, but now that she’s single and not pregnant for the first time in years, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Indeed, that trifecta of vag flashes were just the tip of the gossip iceberg.

Brit’s long-time rival Christina Aguilera currently has a great record out which is nominated for several Grammys. But for the first time ever in Xtina’s career no one is talking about her. All eyes are on Britney Spears and what does her biggest site decide to do — jump on the Perez Hilton bandwagon of rehashed Linds, Paris, Nicole nonsense.

Unless you can be crueler than Perez, sweeter than Trent, or smarter than Defamer, LAist believes you should dance with you brung you. And Britney has just begun to dance.


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